2020 CC Black Leadership Solidarity Gathering & Walk
Saturday, June 6th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., at Waters Edge Park, the members of the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE pronounced as “taffy”) Corpus Christi, a 501(c)(3) organization, along with members of various organizations will hosted a Corpus Christi Black Leadership Solidarity Gathering and Walk. This event is FREE and open to the public.
Various groups and non profits have decided to come together to share our thoughts, feelings and voice to create action and change in our community. Leaders from each organization have banded together to start that change now.
•TABPHE Corpus Christi
•Corpus Christi Juneteenth Coalition
•Pilgrims Rest Missionary Baptist Church
•Corpus Christi Black Chamber of Commerce
•Corpus Christi American Federation of Teachers
•Corpus Christi Ministerial Alliance
•Eric Holguin of Herrman & Herrman PLLC
•Corpus Christi Black History Cultural Committee
•The Women's Connection
•Community Voices United Addressing Disproportionality & Disparity
•Indigenous People of the Coastal Bend
•Island Democrats
•Nueces County Black Democrats
•Kinetic Per4mance

Elected Official Meeting
On Monday, June 15th, join us at 4:30 p.m. at the Nueces County Courthouse, 901 Leopard St, Corpus Christi, Texas - 1st Floor, Central Jury Room, as we have a sit down conversation with our elected officials. Representatives will speak and we ask any and all participants to submit comments that we will compile and provide to the officials. Due to COVID 19 - social distancing is required and we'll need a headcount to properly prepare. Seating is limited so we ask that you RSVP as soon as possible.